
Vision, Mision & Core Values 


Core-functions are what the school has been mandated to do and as such, constitute its main business.  Core functions are therefore the main methods or activities through which the school tries to fulfill its reasons for existence. Accordingly, the school’s core functions may be categorized under the following six key areas: 

  1.  Curriculum Implementation through teaching and learning.
  2.  Curriculum Evaluation through examinations and CATs.
  3.  Talent Development through co-curricula activities.
  4.  The Management of Student’s Discipline.
  5.  Provision of Guidance and Counseling services.
  6.  Moral/ Spiritual Development.

Mission Statement   

“The Mission of State House Girls’ High School is to excel in the provision of quality educational services using an integrated, student centered and holistic framework and in partnership with key stakeholders and the local community.  Our educational standards are premised on accountability, dependability and excellence” 

 Core Values Statements 

The core values statements of the school are: 

  • Professionalism;
  • Commitment;
  • Integrity;
  • Fairness;
  • Moral uprightness;
  • Teamwork 

 Professionalism:  To undertake all educational tasks against the maxims and cannons of the teaching profession.

Commitment: To undertake all educational programmes with a willingness to continuously invest the requisite energy and time thus effectively engender competitiveness and professionalism.

 Integrity:  To undertake all educational programmes wholesomely guided by the principles and cannons of the teaching profession.

 Fairness: This refers to concern and consistency as well as being responsible, organized and knowledgeable in as far as the educational enterprise is concerned.  Included in this definition is the use of a well-conceived framework to guide work performance as opposed to the use of an arbitrary approach.

Moral Uprightness: As a teacher in the school, to model both professional and social behaviour that is considered acceptable and right by most people and desist from indulging in any behaviour that will tarnish personal and school reputation and image. 


State House we are standing firmly like a rock

Forward we are moving on in strength

Education searching for our future

Strive to excel/winners ALL IN ALL…..

Problems we shall face them

With Strength in God, strong to serve and strong to excel

State House Girls we must excel

WINNERS……………. State House we are………….


Future we must face with …………. Education stand

We must accomplish our call to win……………….…

We must dedicate our hearts to God

Who makes accomplish our dreams………………..…

Mountains must be moved all ahead of us………….

Strong to serve and strong to excel we must face our future ahead

WINNERS………….……..State House we are…………..