Mr Ndwiga
Head of Department

The department was established as an autonomous department in the school at the beginning of year 2014 when the Teachers Service Commission posted a head of department to the school. Before then; mathematics was part of science department.
As we all know, mathematics provides the foundation for most careers and it is with that the department is encouraging and developing a positive attitude among students towards the subject. The approach taken is to break the myth that mathematics is a very difficult subject and that girls are scared to do it.
Our major aim is to demystify mathematics, motivate students to like it and aim very high in the subject. The commitment and dedication of the teachers who are putting a lot of effort and increasing conduct hours with students, we are beginning to see the girls pay more attention to the subject. The department currently has seven teachers serving the whole students population of over 1200 girls. Therefore the teacher student ratio being 1:170 is understaffed.

The department greatly appreciates the commendable job done by Mr. Maeri and Miss. Nyambura who are currently assisting the TSC teachers. It is important to note that mathematics is a compulsory subject for that reason the students are involved in a number if activities aimed at improving their performance. These include;
Group discussion in the classes
Active participation in activities organized by mathematics club e.g. interschools’ mathematics competitions and contexts.
Organised participation in mathematics symposia with other schools.
Mathematics revision exams on weekly basis i.e. form 4 revision programme.

Staff department of Mathematics

The teachers in the department are;

 Mr Ndwiga HOD

 Mrs Munyilu Head of Subject

 Mrs. Kuria

 Mr. Gakuo

 Mr Waruri

 Mr. Wachira

 Mrs. Koros